Very happy with my 123d remap today.P-tronicbox put to shame -小龍女的真面目和楊過跳崖真相 第一幕:逼上懸崖 我站在懸崖上,背著玄鐵劍,出離憤怒。 這事兒你們也都知道了——我姑姑她今天早上又從這裡跳下去了。原因是我嘟囔了一句她燒的飯不如我黃師母燒的好吃。她認為這叫喜新厭舊。我跟她講你沒有文化不會用成語就不要亂用,講起新舊來哪Cog wrote:Yes thanks to dave at sedox and thanks to Jason also as i know you had a big hand in the mapping also . Learnt allot about modern tuning while I was there seems its not about raising boost and fuel anymore more about unlocking the limiters on th...