127 hours 電影

127 Hours (2010) - IMDb   來源:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2747131473?pn=2Directed by Danny Boyle. With James Franco, Kate Mara, Amber Tamblyn, Sean Bott. A mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder while canyoneering alone near Moab, Utah and resorts to desperate measures in order to survive....


127 Hours | Fox Searchlight - Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Mistress America, He Named Me 所謂馬路三寶:女人、老人、老女人,這當然只是網路傳言,但你是否有種車禍及各種肇事案件中常常發現這些關鍵字?或者發現女性友人騎車總是摔車、前方阿北轉彎不打方向燈、阿婆過馬路沒看紅綠燈一意孤行呢?會這樣傳言總有根本。 以下是幾張神奇的肇事圖片,看看你有中幾張?   (其實這男性駕駛也常發生.127 HOURS is the new film from Danny Boyle, the Academy Award winning director of last year's Best Picture, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. 127 HOURS is the true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston's (James Franco) remarkable adventure to save himself after a ......


127 HOURS - Full Length Official Trailer HD - YouTube如果你從事服務業,你對這25種情況一定很熟悉。不管是奧客、好客,還是點點客(下圖有解釋),招待客人時心中的os一定多到快從嘴巴溢出來。 臉書頁面大陰盜百貨以漫畫來描繪服務業人生。題材包含服務客人時的各種情況,例如碰到粗魯、會騙人、愛殺價的客人時,櫃姊心中的無數os。儘管詼諧,卻也道出了服務業人生的種The new full length HD trailer for 127 HOURS, directed by Danny Boyle (SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE, 28 DAYS LATER) and starring James Franco. In theaters November 5th!...


127 Hours Reviews - Metacritic原來這才是大學!最後一張又亮了~ 1. 上大學以前我覺得大學的男女比例應該是這樣的。 2. 可後來我發現原來是這樣的。 3. 大學以前我認為大學的夜生活應該是這樣的。 4. 後來發現原來是這樣的。 5. 上大學以前我以為大學課堂應該是這樣滴。 6. 上大學之後我發現大學課堂原來是這樣滴。 7. 上大127 Hours movie reviews & Metacritic score: 127 HOURS is the true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston's remarkable adventure to save himself after a falle... ... Better than Slumdog Millionaire, it isn't 'just a guy stuck in a rock for the whole film',...


127 Hours (2010) - Rotten Tomatoes: Movies | TV Shows | Movie Trailers | Reviews電影世界裡面出了好幾個變態殺人魔,這些恐怖電影裡面真的讓人嚇出冷汗,通常影片主角周圍朋友都會被殘酷殺死,主角一直都處在弱勢直到最後...雖然是老梗不過恐怖電影的公式幾乎都是這樣在運作,今天Mabee小邊就偷懶一點不加上註解了XD讓網友自己去發掘底下的殺人魔是甚麼電影甚麼名子~只要在底下FB留言或是網How exciting can you make a movie where someone's stuck between a rock and a rock for 90 minutes (or 127 hours, as it happened in 2002) and everyone heard about how the case ended? If you're Danny Boyle, you have a lot of ideas. Starting out like a Gatora...
