127 hours

127 Hours - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 據美國新聞網站“yourjewishnews.com”9月10日報導,擁有世界最長舌頭的英國男子斯提芬·泰勒,近日通過測量發現,他的舌頭又長了0.2英寸(約0.5厘米)。再次刷新了自己保持的這項吉尼斯世界記錄。 據悉,早在2002年,泰勒曾憑藉長約3.7英寸(127 Hours is a 2010 British-American biographical survival drama film directed, co-written and produced by Danny Boyle. The film stars James Franco as real-life canyoneer Aron Ralston, who became trapped by a boulder in an isolated slot canyon in Blue Joh...


127 Hours (2010) - IMDb 酷似英國地圖的雲朵,但遺失了北愛爾蘭。這幅雲朵地圖中雖然沒有出現北愛爾蘭,但東安格利亞、蘇格蘭高地和康奈爾均依稀可見。酷似臉的雲朵,由亨裡克-凱瑟拍攝。凱瑟是一位著名攝影師,曾在享有聲望的國際攝影比賽中斬獲60多個獎項。一朵形狀奇特的雲,讓人不免聯想到飛馬或者賽馬騎師。這兩朵雲一個好似老虎,一個讓Directed by Danny Boyle. With James Franco, Kate Mara, Amber Tamblyn, Sean Bott. A mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder while canyoneering alone near Moab, Utah and resorts to desperate measures in order to survive....


127 Hours | Fox Searchlight - Wild, Birdman, The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel | Fox Sea 據報道,魯菲內利身高5英尺4英寸(約1米6),體重達420磅(約190公斤)。為了保持自己“豐滿”的身材,她每天要消耗掉3000卡路裡的食物。她將自己異常龐大的臀部歸功於4次懷孕。22歲,在生下兒子之後,她的體重就開始增加。其後連續3次懷孕導致她的臀圍激增。她曾試圖減肥,但127 HOURS is the new film from Danny Boyle, the Academy Award winning director of last year's Best Picture, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. 127 HOURS is the true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston's (James Franco) remarkable adventure to save himself after a ......


127 HOURS - Full Length Official Trailer HD - YouTube   (粉絲林宇彤提供)有一群和尚去自助餐廳吃飯,結果素食都沒了,和尚就問老闆:「啊素食呢?」老闆:「呵呵~我還acer勒!」   from 救客人The new full length HD trailer for 127 HOURS, directed by Danny Boyle (SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE, 28 DAYS LATER) and starring James Franco. In theaters November 5th!...


127 Hours - Rotten Tomatoes 奧地利 維也納成為了歐洲最具生活質量的城市。調查表明維也納市中心的一間單身公寓每月的租金約750歐(約合人民幣6127元),而巴黎每月的房租就高達1050歐(約合人民幣8578元)。除此以外,奧地利還坐落著許多優良而實惠的滑雪場。"比利時 迷人的布魯塞爾距離巴黎大約80分鐘的車程,距倫敦也只有2小Critics Consensus: As gut-wrenching as it is inspirational, 127 Hours unites one of Danny Boyle's most beautifully exuberant directorial efforts with a terrific performance from James Franco. ... So I watched Buried and was incredibly disappointed. I figu...
