128gb ssd comparison

PassMark - SanDisk SSD i110 128GB - Price performance comparison在中國這樣的地方,敢當眾如此做真的令人佩服! SanDisk SSD i110 128GB Price and performance details for the SanDisk SSD i110 128GB can be found below. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily. The first graph shows the relative performance of the Hard ......


Boot times comparison - RAID 0 HDDs vs Crucial M4 128GB SSD - YouTube一目了然了... A comparison between boot times on 2x1TB Western Digital 1TB 7,200RPM HDDs in RAID 0, and a Crucial M4 128GB SSD. First clip shows the HDDs, second clip is the SSD and third clip is the SSD two weeks later with HDDs connected, intended to show a 'realisti...
