Bristol, Bath and the West | First UK Bus如果你是一個窮光蛋......如果你沒有什么錢......如果你家里很窮....如果你窮得只差到各大商場門口去要飯要票子....如果你是一個只靠家里接濟的學生.....如果你窮到不能給女友買時裝...不能請她去大飯店..酒吧..消費的話...那么我深沉而不失憂郁的告訴你...你的福音來了...前提條Our UK Bus division operates around a fifth of local bus services in the UK and is one of the largest bus operators with a fleet of approximately 6,400 buses around the England, Scotland and Wales. We have bus routes serving 40 of the UK’s largest towns a...