讓人淚崩的聖誕禮物 美亡婦送老公新歡SPA
Listal - List the stuff you love! Movies, TV, music, games and books 美國愛荷華州的一名婦人布蘭達史密茨(Brenda Schmitz),在2011年過世。生前的她委託朋友在她的丈夫找到新女友並訂婚後,將一封許有三個願望的信寄給一家電台。今年夏天,她的丈夫向現在的女友求婚,在聖誕節前得知亡妻許下的願望,其中包括送給丈夫未婚妻一個水療Spa的願望,所有人Join Listal to create lists, share images, get recommendations and much more Create your free account Sign up or login to Listal to share the stuff you like and much more Recently voted lists 20 votes Underestimated Beauty (127 items) list by clovia Promo...