8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back: Natural Posture Solutions for Pain in the Back, Neck, Shoulder, Hip, Kn老師如往常一樣,對著鬧哄哄的班上吼叫:『不~要~吵~啦!大家安靜一點好不好?』全班沒人理他……老師一氣之下,甩頭就走;準備到校長那告狀。當校長和老師兩人怒氣沖沖回到教室,正想開罵時,不料,竟發現班上同學安安靜靜地端坐著……『怎麼啦?!大家怎麼變"The most lucid account I have read of how the human spine works, with handy lessons in how to stand, sit, walk, and sleep free of back pain." —J. M. Coetzee, Nobel Prize–winner in Literature " 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back is the best back pain book on the...