20000 days on earth

20,000 Days on Earth (2014) - IMDb一個男人的告白:「愛情與麵包哪個重要?當然是麵包。為什麼?因為回答『愛情』太孬了。」妳並不把愛當作唯一,而是一種選擇,一個讓自己生命變得更美好的挑選。 因為妳是愛情信仰者,覺得愛情最大。當然妳也明白世界上還有很多事都值得追求,但妳更知道如果沒有愛,那有多無聊。而且,愛情與其他的從來都不是衝突,並不是Directed by Iain Forsyth, Jane Pollard. With Nick Cave, Susie Bick, Warren Ellis, Darian Leader. Drama and reality combine in a fictitious 24 hours in the life of musician and international cultural icon Nick Cave. With startlingly frank insights and an i...


20,000 Days on Earth - Official Trailer - YouTube一個男人的告白:「分手後,再把東西要回來很丟臉。但是,不拿回來,也很浪費。」關於愛情的結束,最叫妳傷心的並不是分手。而是,他否定了妳的好。 先是讓渡了妳的名分,接著過繼了妳的情感,最後再切割了你們共有的一切或不是共有的之後,無論過程多麼折磨人,至少你們的愛情終於塵埃落定,至少你們共同完成了一件事。原Own it now on disc and digital http://www.madman.com.au Drama and reality combine in a fictitious 24 hours in the life of musician and international cultural icon Nick Cave. With startlingly frank insights and an intimate portrayal of the artistic process...


20,000 Days on Earth (2014) - Rotten Tomatoes一個男人的告白:「假分手?男人從來都不會用分手來試探感情,分手就是分手了,說好當朋友就是朋友。」原來,他不過是以另一種形式離開了妳而已,其實他都還是妳的生活。 突然間,妳意識到了這一件事,就當食指在臉書視窗上點下他的名字那一刻。妳忘了這是今天第幾回,妳又再看他的臉書,他去了哪裡?吃了什麼?今天心情好Critics Consensus: Revealing yet respectful, 20,000 Days on Earth is essential viewing for any Nick Cave fan. ... I know many people who never heard of Nick Cave... and it's amazing, but most of them are boring! I am glad that this British documentary co-...


20,000 Days on Earth - featuring Nick Cave (first official clip) - YouTube一個男人的告白:「男人都有控制欲,喜歡把什麼東西都占為己有,手裡握住的跟心裡的安全感可以直接畫上等號。」在愛情裡頭,「為你好」終究只是一種卑鄙。因為愛情是兩個人的。 人不完美,所以才會追求美好,所以才會好還要更好,妳當然懂,所以也很努力。但愛情和工作不一樣,愛是兩個人才能成立,唯有一起努力才能往前,First official clip from 20,000 Days on Earth, a new film featuring Nick Cave and directed by Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard. The film premiered at Sundance Film Festival 2014, picking up awards for best directing and editing, where the jury described it as ...


20,000 Days on Earth | Indiewire - Movie News, Movie Reviews, Entertainment News, TV News | | Ind一個男人的告白:「失戀了怎麼辦?再去愛一個人,這個不行就再換一個,總會有一個不讓自己哭。」一直到某天,當妳發現自己不再哭著醒來時,才終於確定自己已經痊癒了。 妳不再害怕想起他,也不再去刻意避開與他共有的回憶,就連聊天的話題也不需要再迂迴打轉,只為了去閃躲或是去試探。甚至,偶爾在房裡發現沒有清理掉的他The Playlist News Exclusive: New Pics From Nick Cave Docudrama '20,000 Days On Earth' Nick Cave is a musician, author, screenwriter and film composer, but he's also Nick Cave. Legend and fact often overlap with respect to the details of his ......


20,000 Days on Earth (2014) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb一個男人的告白:「剛好的自尊讓人敬佩,但有一種人有時卻是過分的自尊,這就是一種自卑。咳,我沒說是男人。」女人最大的堅強並不是獨立自主,而是假裝需要男人的照顧呵護,然後,再用它來保護你們的愛情。 越是談戀愛,妳就越是懂男人某種程度就像是小孩子,共同點是需要人哄、需要人騙,但無論如何就是不會去承認自己的20,000 Days on Earth (2014) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. ... Sam Alberg ... additional gaffer Ole Bratt Birkeland ... camera operator Robbie Bryant ... second assistant camera: "b ......
