Apple, America and a Squeezed Middle Class - The New York Times 愛是個淘氣糊塗的小精靈,它隨時出現在你的身邊又會突然的離你而去。 其實愛很膽小,愛有很多害怕的東西,很多很多。 愛怕甚麼呢?首先,愛怕撒謊,愛是需要真誠的雨露去澆灌,愛也需要信任的陽光去普照。 當你不愛一個人時,你卻假裝愛他,那不僅你累,他也累,是一件痛苦Building Apple’s iPhone in the United States would demand much more than hiring Americans — it would require transforming the national and global economies. ... Mr. Jobs angrily held up his iPhone, angling it so everyone could see the dozens of tiny scrat...