
Year 2012 Calendar – Australia - timeanddate.com 神奇的重複圖形~我看了好久差點睡著zzzz (Source: @腐宅姬)Australia 2012 – Calendar with holidays. Yearly calendar showing months for the year 2012. Calendars – online and print friendly – for any year and month ... Some holidays and dates are color-coded: Red –Federal Holidays and Sundays. Blue –Common Local .....


Daylight saving time in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     如果走在路上突然被人拿根尺問說下面多長...你會回答跟鄉民一樣的30CM還是認真的去量呢...不得不說裡面有些受訪者女朋友很給面子XD 但有人還真的很認真的回答...   其他閱讀: 用科學的角度分析...為什麼男人都想要娶『處女』為妻? (女生看完會氣死!不The choice of whether to use daylight saving time (DST) in Australia is a matter for the individual states and territories. However during World War I and World War II all states and territories had daylight saving. In 1968 Tasmania became the first state...


Time in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia你想聽真話還是假話?  Australia uses three main time zones, Australian Western Standard Time (AWST; UTC+08:00), Australian Central Standard Time (ACST; UTC+09:30), and Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST; UTC+10:00).[1] Time is regulated by the individual state governments,...


Australia's super system is a national disgrace - The Drum (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) 90%的男人不願陪老婆逛街,去了,90%也是被老婆拉去的。上帝賦予男女不同的性別,也賦予了各自對生活的不同理解。聰明女人讓男人好好地陪你逛街要記住三點:一.別把他搞得太累二.出門前也問問他想買點什麼三.運用你的聰明才智,盡量讓你需要的在中間買,他需要的在開始和最后買。 90%的男人不願去丈母娘家,In general, very few people in Australia now know what they will have to live on when they retire. ABC's Alan Kohler looks at the lottery that is our superannuation system. It doesn't take more than a few moments thought to understand that Australia's sup...


Australian School Holidays 2015 - Visit Australia - Travel & Tour Information - Tourism Australi 該不會是忘記天亮了,就被定格了QQ!! 不過畢竟人家24小時站這麼久 比櫃姐站得還久 也是該做做伸展 蠻有創意的櫥窗假人姿勢~喜歡請分享或留言! (內嵌圖來源:@MegaPhoto_猫扎古)See a full list of Australia's 2014 school holiday dates and some of the popular destinations visited by Australians during school holiday periods here. ... In Australia, the school year runs from January to December. School holidays in Australia occur fo...
