Best Laptop 2015 - Top-Rated Laptops by Brand - Laptop Mag小名:爸爸~為神麼做愛會舒服?爸爸:你挖鼻屎會不會舒服?小名:那位神麼都是♀比較舒服?爸爸:你挖鼻孔是手舒服還是鼻孔舒服阿?小名:那為神麼有人不喜歡走在路上被抓去強姦?爸爸:那你喜歡別人挖你鼻孔嗎?小名:位神麼有人做愛不帶保險套?爸爸:你挖鼻孔戴手套嗎?(以下自創)小名 : 為什麼做愛要蓋棉被?爸爸Laptop Mag names the overall best laptop of 2015 so far, plus our top laptop picks by brand and category (gaming, touch screens, etc.) ... It's big, it's bad and it's upgradable. The MSI GT80 Titan SLI is one of the first gaming laptops in the world to fe...