如圖所示 碰到了 就娶了吧!
Gartner Says Worldwide PC Shipments Declined 6.9 Percent in Fourth Quarter of 2013 1、嘴角右上方有黑痣2、鼻頭飽滿厚實3、耳垂圓潤適當4、眼睛大而溫潤5、牙齒整齊6、耳朵略硬7、眉毛整潔8、額頭偏右上方有三顆呈三角形的痣。9、臉盤圓潤、額頭高闊。10、嘴脣略圓, 厚(如圖所示)碰到了,就娶了吧! Worldwide PC shipments totaled 82.6 million units in the fourth quarter of 2013, a 6.9 percent decline from the fourth quarter of 2012, according to preliminary results by Gartner, Inc. This is the seventh consecutive quarter of shipment decline....