普通卡片太無趣?10張「超奇幻詭異19世紀聖誕卡」給你新點子! 8 為何要畫青蛙做「這種可怕的事」啊
2013 Toyota Camry Hybrid - Autoblog - We Obsessively Cover the Auto Industry ▲10張超詭異聖誕卡,實在讓人搞不懂背後的涵義?!(sourse : boredpanda,下同) 逢年過節,大家會習慣寫賀卡給親朋好友嗎?大家通常都會到書店或文具店買賀卡,導致買到的都是千篇一律的款式,或許19世紀的聖誕賀卡可以給你一些靈感,讓你自己手做卡片。根據boredpanda分享,這裡有"Vanilla." Taken in modern context, that's not a compliment, but it should be. Vanilla actually has exotic origins, and as spices go, only saffron is more costly. Despite the realities, calling something "vanilla" is not whistling in admiration. The Toyot...