
Road to the Oscars 2014 | Academy Awards -- IMDb■「腦殘」的定義:Your brain has two parts:the left & the right. Your left brain has nothing right, and your right brain has nothing left. ■地鐵站某臭豆腐攤的IMDb Road to the Oscars: Complete coverage of the entire 2014 awards season from the Golden Globes to the Academy Awards ... Oscar Nominees You Can Watch Right Now Are you still working on seeing all of the nominated films? We've compiled a list of ......


Fruitvale Station (2013) - IMDb年度快要結束了。某單位領導想起草一份獎狀,但不會打字。想起兒子上小學了又會上網(其實只會玩遊戲)就把兒子叫來:  爸:「你會打字嗎?」  兒子:「那當然,別忘了我是電腦高手哦。」  爸:「那我念你打。」  兒子:「好的,注音和倉頡我都會。」  於是費Directed by Ryan Coogler. With Michael B. Jordan, Melonie Diaz, Octavia Spencer, Kevin Durand. The story of Oscar Grant III, a 22-year-old Bay Area resident, who crosses paths with friends, enemies, family, and strangers on the last day of 2008....


85th Academy Awards - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia話說以前海盜猖獗,很多商船遇上海盜都會被洗劫一空,運氣差的連小命都會沒了。於是有一種新職業因應而生--海上保鏢。專門運送貴重貨物,遇上海盜的時候就不會蒙受平白損失了,當然,在海上跑鏢是很危險的一種工作,除了迷路翻船暴風雨之外,真遇到了海盜免不了都是一場血戰。有一個保鏢船長武功非常高強,手下的水手個個The 85th Academy Awards ceremony, presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), honored the best films of 2012 and took place February 24, 2013, at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles beginning at 5:30 p.m. PST / 8:30 p.m. ...


Academy Awards - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia農婦小小想進城買件新衣,老公怕小小未見過世面,被人騙了。便一再叮囑:「城裡商人都很奸詐,賣東西都開高價。切記,論價錢如何,你都給他先殺個一半再說!」小小聽完僅記在心,就進城去了,到了城中一店舖東挑西撿後,對某套衣服非常滿意,便向店主問價錢。店主:「姑娘有眼光,算你一千啦!」小小:「五百啦」店主:「那The Academy Awards or The Oscars (The official title was rebranded as The Oscars in 2013 – changed from The Academy Awards.)[1] is an annual American awards ceremony honoring cinematic achievements in the film industry. The various category winners are aw...


Oscar Pistorius - Official Site趣聞〕 大陸的賊 第一次,我下夜班回家,已經很晚了,我在衛生間洗嗽,忽然聽到門口有動靜。好象是有人在門口撬我的鎖。於是我大喝一聲:「誰,幹什麼?」誰知道那賊卻在門口答道:「這麼晚了還不睡覺,搞什麼搞。」說完就沒有聲音了。我一時不知所措......第二次,我白天在家休息,正在上網的時候,忽然Following the tragic event and the enormous global interest, the family of Oscar Pistorius has taken the decision to devote his official website to the latest news about developments as well as messages of support. The website will provide the opportunity...


Renee Zellweger Botox Speculations Rise At The Oscars (PHOTOS)有一美女下夜班,被一好色男子尾隨跟縱,美女很害怕,正好路過一片墳地, 好色男子正要下手, 美女走到一座墳墓前面:"爸爸,開門吧,我回來了"。嚇的好色男子狂奔而去。美女為自己的聰明得意地笑了起來,哪知笑聲未落,從墳墓里傳出一個陰森森的聲音說:"閨女,你咋又忘記帶鑰匙了呢?"嚇得美女尖叫著跑了Renee Zellweger garnered a lot of attention on the Oscar red carpet last night. But it wasn't her glimmering Carolina Herrera gown that seemed to grab people's focus, but rather her face. Specifically, its lack of movement. That's right, the 43-year-old s...
