Halloween Party Song Mix by JH 2013 - YouTube原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 動漫圈有痛車痛火車, 各種痛的世界, 現在就連信用卡都要來痛一下! 之前有人氣偶像動畫LoveLive!和三菱UFJ NICOS合作, 推出LoveLive!主題信用卡! 卡片上的μ`s成員們穿著動畫2期的服裝聚在一起, 萌友們有用這張卡來課金嗎(。3For anyone planning a Halloween party feel free to use this. I edited & mixed some songs together that were readily available from various you tube videos, and in the public domain (I tried to vary the genre of songs for all age groups), I then put them t...