7張內心戲超多的「妄想系女子日常」漫畫! 5 買衣服時男生也會這樣,超尷尬的啊!
2014 Active Stylus (touch pen)GOLDEN RIGHT - YouTube ▲內向的人到底都在想什麼呢?讓這幾張漫畫告訴你!(sourse : boredpanda,下同) 內向的人到底在想什麼呢?其實他們內心小劇場超多!根本是一直在妄想一堆有的沒的啊!根據boredpanda報導,就有這麼一位畫家Sarah's Scribbles專門畫出內向的妄想系女子心中到底在想什麼Discover the Active Stylus What is 2.4mm active stylus? How could we decrease the size of the tip? The most common stylus in current market is size 6-8mm tip. To achieve a design of 2.4 mm, we are not only have to look into......