2014 全新世代Mercedes-Benz S-Class豪華旗艦 德國發表 | 癮車報 看吧!我可沒騙你,果然夠"驢"吧!!全球備受矚目的全新一代Mercedes-Benz(賓士)S-Class(W222)在昨天晚上於德國漢堡機場的A380客機機棚間內正式與世人見面;同時,Mercedes-Benz也發佈了更多照片與7部影片。 Mercedes-Benz S-Class一直都是豪華房車的標竿,而此次,Mercedes-Benz又 ......
全文閱讀2014 全新世代Mercedes-Benz S-Class豪華旗艦 德國發表 | 癮車報 看吧!我可沒騙你,果然夠"驢"吧!!全球備受矚目的全新一代Mercedes-Benz(賓士)S-Class(W222)在昨天晚上於德國漢堡機場的A380客機機棚間內正式與世人見面;同時,Mercedes-Benz也發佈了更多照片與7部影片。 Mercedes-Benz S-Class一直都是豪華房車的標竿,而此次,Mercedes-Benz又 ......
全文閱讀2014 Mercedes-Benz S-Class [w/video] First Drive - Autoblog 驚!!!Technology Meets Magic In The New Standard Bearer If you're like us, you've been eagerly awaiting this car for the better part of 10 years. No, not the 2014 Mercedes-Benz S-Class specifically, but rather the technology underneath it. Perhaps you remember ...
全文閱讀Mercedes-Benz Taiwan - S-Class - Mercedes-Benz S-Class Saloon 博派化身為人拉!!The new S-Class is the climax of a vision. Unmatched: its innovations. Spot on: its design. ... 詳細資訊請洽台灣賓士授權經銷商 訂製您的夢想 *本網站所提供之圖片、數據及功能配備等資料僅供參考,德國原廠保有改變設計和規格的權利。...
全文閱讀2014 Mercedes-Benz S-Class | car review @ Top Speed 自動割草機DIY一個支點一條繩子搞定!!And the most successful hybrid in its segment: some 20,000 buyers worldwide opted for the S 400 HYBRID. With the new S-Class Mercedes-Benz now continues its comprehensive hybrid offensive. In the S 400 HYBRID and S 300 BlueTEC HYBRID there are ......
全文閱讀New 2014 Mercedes-Benz S-class S400, S500, S63 photos, specifications and pricing - Autoweek 搞不好人家是美女呢...High-tech Mercedes luxury sedan will launch in the U.S. in September Mercedes-Benz has pulled the wraps off of the 2014 S-class at a media presentation in Hamburg, Germany, revealing a technological tour de force that the firm hopes will continue the plus...
全文閱讀全球備受矚目的全新一代Mercedes-Benz(賓士)S-Class(W222)在昨天晚上於德國漢堡機場的A380客機機棚間內正式與世人見面;同時,Mercedes-Benz也發佈了更多照片與7部影片。 Mercedes-Benz S-Class一直都是豪華房車的標竿,而此次,Mercedes-Benz又 ......
全文閱讀Technology Meets Magic In The New Standard Bearer If you're like us, you've been eagerly awaiting this car for the better part of 10 years. No, not the 2014 Mercedes-Benz S-Class specifically, but rather the technology underneath it. Perhaps you remember ...
全文閱讀The new S-Class is the climax of a vision. Unmatched: its innovations. Spot on: its design. ... 詳細資訊請洽台灣賓士授權經銷商 訂製您的夢想 *本網站所提供之圖片、數據及功能配備等資料僅供參考,德國原廠保有改變設計和規格的權利。...
全文閱讀And the most successful hybrid in its segment: some 20,000 buyers worldwide opted for the S 400 HYBRID. With the new S-Class Mercedes-Benz now continues its comprehensive hybrid offensive. In the S 400 HYBRID and S 300 BlueTEC HYBRID there are ......
全文閱讀High-tech Mercedes luxury sedan will launch in the U.S. in September Mercedes-Benz has pulled the wraps off of the 2014 S-class at a media presentation in Hamburg, Germany, revealing a technological tour de force that the firm hopes will continue the plus...
全文閱讀With the three engineering priorities "Intelligent Drive", "Efficient Technology" and "Essence of Luxury", the new... ... Mercedes S-Class With the three engineering priorities "Intelligent Drive", "Efficient Technology" and "Essence of Luxury", the new M...
全文閱讀萬眾矚目的2014 Mercedes-Benz(賓士)S-Class(W222)豪華轎車最新內外觀圖片已經在網路上露出了,全新一代的S-Class目前已確定要在5月15日於德國漢堡發佈,不過在正式發表之前我們已經充分揭示了新車的內外觀照片,照片中的2014 S-Class旗艦轎車已脫 ......
全文閱讀The 2014 Mercedes-Benz S-Class "is a story best told from the inside out." So says Mercedes-Benz USA outgoing public relations chief Geoff Day. Despite the fact that it's Day's job to convince journalists Mercedes makes the best vehicles, he is right. The...
全文閱讀【本報記者劉奕廷、鐘翠蓮台北報導】由於受到全球 COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情影響,PEUGEOT、CITROEN台灣總代理寶佳聯合氣車日前表示,汽車相關零組件製造供應鏈受到嚴重衝擊,原物料、車用晶片、運輸物流及人事等成本皆大幅攀升,嚴重影響車輛生產成本及交車時程。 圖說:Peugeot小改款3008
【記者 林明益/宜蘭 報導】 宜蘭縣「110年機車汰舊換新及新購電動二輪車補助計畫」已進入最後倒數計時階段,請車主把握今年度加碼補助機會,以免向隅! 環保局黃政釧局長表示,為鼓勵縣民汰換老舊機車,宜蘭縣配合中央加碼補助車主汰舊換新,本(110)年度本縣縣民淘汰民國96年6月底前出廠的老舊機車後,換購
小明是一個喜歡跟父母說謊的小孩他的父母為了知道小明跟他們說的是否是真話於是.... 買了一台能測謊的機器人如果說謊 機器人就會賞他一巴掌---------------------------------------------------------------------------------有
黃臉婆掃墓記 聽說婚姻是愛情的墳墓,算算結婚六年了,所以今天來掃墓。愛情,在剛開始有點意思,那種混沌未明、曖昧難定的時候,是最最吸引我的。 二個人互相猜著、想著、試探著,一直到證實了愛情,這個過程總讓我精神亢奮。 牽個手就會怦然心動,一吻幾乎要融化銷魂…我
意義是 X小,我只知道義氣。大家總有一票志同道合的朋友,有福同享有難同當,兩肋插刀、互相幫忙才是難兄難弟阿,但其實不只是人類,就連動物們也有如此義氣的表現,看起來相當溫馨,在此整裡出超有義氣的 16 張照片精選,讓大家看看什麼是真正的義氣阿。 好個兩姐妹阿,是會輪流偷打電玩嗎。 長得高的狗狗就要有