2014 mazda6 菜單

2014+ Mazda 6 Performance 經過了將近四週的休養生息,F1賽程終於在上週開拔到比利時站展開下半年賽程。各家車廠於暑休時積極備戰,期望在下半年一開賽就拔得頭籌。而從上週五的練習賽時,Scuderia Ferrari與Red Bull Racing車隊呈現積極態勢,展露暑假時的進步成果,不過到了週六排位賽,MERCEDES AMCorkSport has been in the business of Mazda Performance since 1989 and offers the highest quality Mazda 6 Performance parts on the market today. CorkSport.com, your one stop shop for all of your Mazda 6 performance needs....


2014 Mazda 6 GT SkyActiv, the Bi-polar Review 已確定將在今年10月18日正式發表上市的國產Honda HR-V,現展間也進一步釋出了預接單價格,車型等級區分有VT-i、VTi-S以及S三個配備等級,預售價分別為76、82及88萬元(多退少不補)。而根據所獲得的消息指出,國產HR-V將與新年式Fit一樣全車系標配有七大主動安全配備,包括VSA車The 2014 Mazda 6 GT: a drop-dead gorgeous machine whose primary purpose is, I think, to sell more base-model Mazda 6 Sport sedans with manual transmissions. ... Well dare I suggest the ‘writer’ needs to learn how to understand cars properly, to even try a...


Mazda6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Honda NSX以新世代運動化油電超跑之姿,傳遞Honda堅持的先進創新品牌價值。憑恃滿載先進尖端科技、體現 Honda 「The Power of Dreams」品牌精神、重返頂尖超跑之列的-Honda NSX,自誕生以來便以全新思維與尖端技術倍受矚目,於 8 月 25 日以Honda頂尖科技The Mazda6 or Mazda 6 (known as the Mazda Atenza in China and Japan) is a large family car produced by the Japanese car manufacturer Mazda since 2002, now in its third generation. It replaced the long-serving Mazda 626 (sold in Japan as the Capella) which...


2014 Mazda 6 i Touring review notes | Autoweek Yellow Edition特仕車限量100台 Subaru對於BRZ的訴求一直以來都是以,「Pure Handling Delight-新次元運轉的樂趣」作為訴求,也因此除了小型化車體外,水平對臥引擎本體搭配上FR傳動方式帶來的低重心優勢,任誰都可以享受到對於操駕這檔事的享受。BRZ這次的大幅度EDITOR WES RAYNAL: The 2014 Mazda 6 is one of my favorite non-German/ Cadillac ATS midsize sedans. Perhaps even at the top of the heap. It's really, really good. Love the ......


CORKSPORT 2014+ Mazda 6 Axle Back Exhaust 自去年7月1日起交通新法公布,其中規定改裝HID大燈者必須至監理單位進行檢驗,光型必須符合檢測標準方可登記合法上路,當時並不需要檢付任何相關證明即可辦理,因此吸引許多改HID的車主前往驗車,不過今年起則必須檢附許多證明方可檢驗,現在就來看看該如何驗車。 規定讀仔細 證明備齊全 根據相關驗CorkSport Axle Back exhaust for 2014 and newer Mazda 6 ... Get added power and upgrade the look of your 2014+ Mazda 6 with the CorkSport Power Series Axle Back Exhaust. As a completely new vehicle the engineers at CorkSport were given free reign to ......


Mazda USA Media - Vehicles(原文出處:連結)   現在許多公司都配備有工程師或MIS人員。 本魯長期與多位工程師相處發現,只要跟工程師們講這些事,他們總會氣得想摔門、暴走、跳腳,想跟你說 “我的世界你不懂”  糾竟有哪八句話,最好不要對你的工程師同事說呢?   1. 「我All new from the ground up, the 2014 Mazda3 shares almost nothing with its older siblings other than a name. This third-generation Mazda3 is engineered with the full complement of SKYACTIV technologies -- Mazda's proprietary suite of fuel-efficient, perfo...
