Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics | Olympic Videos, Photos, News男人可以做盡各種缺德事,但是最缺德的就是「沒有口德」。在我心中認為,一個男人做盡各種壞事,就算劈腿外遇、拋家棄子,只要肯改進、肯認錯,都還算是可以原諒的錯誤(當然要不要原諒因人而異),但是,男人只要缺了口德,講話傷害女人的名譽形象,把兩人私密房事搬到檯面上講來侮辱女人、誇耀自己,這是我覺得最缺德、最The 2014 Olympic Winter Games were the first time that the Russian Federation hosts the Winter Games; the Soviet Union hosted the 1980 Summer Games in Moscow. The host city Sochi has a population of 400,000 people and is situated in Krasnodar, which is .....