當了7年好兄弟,你居然說結婚就結婚!小哥的悲傷簡直要滿出來了 ,沒想到他才是地表最強的小三!
2015 Porsche 911 Review, Ratings, Specs, Prices, and Photos - The Car Connection 這個小哥叫Mitch Jolliff,來自美國俄亥俄... 他有一個頂好的鐵哥們,叫 Kody Frysinger,也是俄亥俄人... 7年前,兩人念同一所高中, 剛打過第一個照面,就發現彼此意(臭)氣(味)相投... 倆人一樣喜歡運動,一樣喜歡搞怪, 很快就成了穿一條Get the latest reviews of the 2015 Porsche 911. Find prices, buying advice, pictures, expert ratings, safety features, specs and price quotes. ... The Basics: Now in its seventh generation, the Porsche 911 is still recognizable by its iconic shape, even i...