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Weather.com.au - Australian and World Weather 早在Riccardo Tisci接下Givenchy的時候,我們就知道老字號品牌不能只是優雅,更要能夠成功混搭街頭,品牌的早秋配件中又再度證實了這樣的說法。除了經典包款及前幾季慣用的印象派民族風圖像外,刺青圖騰和毛呢格紋布料也出現在行列中。選優雅,選街頭,還是要混搭,Givenchy都幫你備好了。Forecast for Sunday 14 Jun 15 Min Max Sydney Mostly Sunny. Mild. 10 20 Melbourne High Level Clouds. Mild. 8 18 Brisbane Showers Late. Afternoon Clouds. Cool. 14 23 Perth Sunny. Cool. 8 19 Adelaide Mostly Cloudy. Mild. 11 17 Gold Coast Mostly Sunny....


WBTV's Slideshows - WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC 最初,Air Jordan I是專為初出茅廬的Michael Jordan而打造的高性能籃球鞋,然而令人意想不到的是,它的設計也非常符合滑板者的需求。不經意間,Air Jordan I風靡了滑板圈,更進一步的推動了這項運動的創新。為了向這段歷史致敬,2014 年,Nike SB 與兩位滑板傳奇 —Want to get ready for the dog days of summer? Nothing sets the mood quite like photos of surfing dogs. Though they don't have the digits to "hang ten," they still put their best paws forward. More >>...


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