吳克羣自創品牌「DEBRAND」 與偏鄉孩童創意揮灑 夢想起飛│華納音樂
24V MaxAmps Power Supply 47A 1150W - RC Lipo battery in 2S 3S 4S 6S and 7.4v 11.1v 14.8v 22.2v兒盟與「DEBRAND」開啟公益與時尚跨界合作先例,創作「童真」T恤 實現孩子的夢想難不難?歌手吳克羣幫孩子圓夢,要讓孩子知道,即使是弱勢、即使是在偏鄉,還是有機會將他們的作品,變成當紅的潮牌的衣服。吳克羣在今年暑假擔任「弱勢兒童長假營養計畫」愛心大使後,深感於偏鄉孩童資源的缺乏,後續又帶領自創品牌New and improved! This 24v power supply is a beast! It can handle multiple high end chargers at one time with up to 1150 watts! To make it easier we now include the option to have dual output leads pre-installed to save you from having to get another powe...