3.6v lithium battery

Primary Lithium thionyl chloride Battery: C Size 3.6V 9.0Ah (non Rechargeable, 32.4Wh, 200mA rate), 哈哈...你覺得呢?? Chemistry Lithium-thionyl chloride(Li-SOCl2) technology Nominal Capacity 9Ah ( 9000 mAh)@ 2.0mA 86F 2.0V cut-off. Open Circuit Voltage 3.66V at 68F (20 deg C) Nominal Voltage 3.6V at 2mA +68 F (20 deg C) Max Discharge Rate 200mA (Continuous rate ......


Ultrafire 14500 900mAh 3.6V Protected Lithium Ion (Li-ion) Button Top Battery - Bulk (ULTRAFIRE-PROT 圖片來自:blogs.yahoo.co.jp/nagaichoco/29040235 為了證明我對北川景子的愛沒有改變,所以請容許今年我用這張當封面(蛤!?)去年也發表過這個由ORICON STYLE女性讀者票選「最想變成的臉」,年年發表來到了第6回!除了可以看出日本女生對同性長相的喜好外,其實也Ultrafire 14500 900mAh 3.6V Protected Lithium Ion (Li-ion) Button Top Battery - Bulk (ULTRAFIRE-PROTECTED-14500) - UltraFire Battery LC14500 3.6V Capacity: 900mAh Rechargeable for 600-800 times Peak Voltage: 4.2V Nominal/Working Voltage: 3.6V ......


Saft 3.6V | 3.6 V Lithium Battery AA | 3.6 V Lithium 1/2 AA 圖片來源:nifty 麻將是很多人的休閒娛樂之一,也是運動的一種,桌上乾泳....啊!不是啦,是腦袋運動啦,像是麻將電影經典的就好幾部了~但其實麻將也是有不少漫畫的唷!那各位卡友都知道有時候漫畫需要畫面效果會把畫面稍作誇飾表達,那最常看到的表現麻將手法就是...   正在思考要出甚麼麻將Buy Saft 3.6V batteries online. Low prices on 3.6 V lithium battery AA and 3.6 V lithium 1/2 AA. Instant Online Coupon. Free shipping. ... Saft 3.6V - 3.6 V Lithium Battery AA - 3.6 V Lithium 1/2 AA 3.6 V lithium battery AA and 3.6 V Lithium 1/2 AA are us...


Amazon.com : 3.6V Eagle Picher LTC-7PN Replacement Lithium Battery By Titan : Two Way Radio Batterie哈哈... Size: 1.00" x 0.65" x 0.26" Mfr: Eagle-Picher Chemistry: Lithium Thionyl Chloride Terminals: Pins (.030" Diameter) Volts: 3.5 Amp-Hours: 750 mAh Product Details Shipping Weight: 1 pounds ASIN: B004DOHU3Y Item model number: LTC-7PN Average Customer Review:...
