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64-bit Support - Microsoft Windows Bobine是一條傳輸線,但他不只會乖乖躺在地上或桌上,他還可以立起來。0.6米的長度可以讓他靈活的扭成你想要的「姿勢」。   看起來與一般傳輸線無異。   但他卻可以這樣站起來!就算不充電或是插電,也可以拿來當腳架,拿著到處去了。   就算在車上,也不需要再特地買個If you’ve gone PC shopping lately, you’ve probably noticed more computers with 64-bit processors, and you may have wondered what advantages they offer. Put simply, a 64-bit PC can handle larger amounts of information than a 32-bit system. Since it can use...


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