32 bit mcu

32-bit Mixed-Signal ARM Microcontroller Products | Silicon Labs瘦腰膠囊的包裝袋,就是這麼立竿見影▼撕掉大肚腩的創意名片。▼告別那夠份量的日子吧▼兩個創意購物袋。▼大門進小門出▼超柔韌的瑜伽時鐘▼給你如石頭一般的堅硬腹肌▼誰來和我比試比試▼大吊車我也不在乎▼不愛運動的後果▼扳動電梯的大力士,其實是貼紙啦▼即時顯示體重的公交站台座椅,這不是歧視胖子嗎▼喬裝成槓鈴的Silicon Labs provides the largest portfolio of energy friendly 32-bit microcontroller (MCU) products for ultra-low power applications. The EFM32 Gecko microcontroller family includes the energy efficient devices based on ARM ® Cortex ®-M4 with Floating Po...


Home - 32-bit PIC® Microcontrollers | Microchip Technology Inc. 布拉格街頭的紅綠燈 柏林街頭的卡通紅綠燈 紐約市街頭拉法葉·休斯敦拐角的紅燈(rocker!!) 英國倫敦街頭專為馬匹設計的紅綠燈(馬看得懂?) 丹麥著名的世界​​級港口腓特烈西亞紅綠燈 西班牙藝術家Spy為馬德里設計的藝術紅綠燈 比利時布魯塞爾情人節專用紅綠燈(so sweet~~Microchip's 32-bit portfolio with the MIPS microAptiv or M4K core offer high performance microcontrollers, and all the tools needed to develop your embedded projects. With MPLAB ® Harmony software framework, low cost development tools, and pin/peripheral ...


金麗科技ASIC service, x86-compatible microprocessor, MCU | 金麗科技 - Home金麗科技提供ASIC設計服務以及x86相容整合式處理器和MCU專供嵌入式以及工業自動化應用使用 ... The RDC 32-bit microcontrollers are designed to bring system benefits in terms of cost and power consumption. All are capable of supporting OS including MS ......


Freescale 32-bit Microcontrollers (MCUs)|FreescaleFreescale 32-bit Qorivva microcontrollers are unleashing the power behind automotive innovation. ... MPC57xx MCUs MPC5748G: Freescale MPC5748G Family of 32-bit MCUs for Central Body Control and Gateway Applications MPC574xP: Freescale 32-bit MCU ......


Safety Microcontroller | 32-bit Microcontroller | 32-bit MCU - Overview - TI.comSafety microcontrollers for functional safety feature a dual-core Cortex-R designed for automotive and industrial applications. ... Safety microcontrollers are designed for safety-critical applications, providing advanced, integrated safety features while...


MPC564xB-C: Ultra-Reliable Dual-core 32-bit MCU for Automotive and Industrial Applications|FreescaleMC33903:System Basis Chip Gen2 with High-speed CAN and LIN MC33904:System Basis Chip Gen2 with High Speed CAN MPC560xB:Ultra-Reliable 32-bit MCU for Automotive and Industrial Applications MPC5668G:Ultra-Reliable Dual-Core 32-bit MCU for ......
