Toyota Alpard專用款KW V3避震器完整對應
3BEST - Protect and Grow Your Business on Internet - Home圖/童國輔 協力/KW台灣分公司-德凱汽車 車輛/台中歐美輪胎 兼具VIP氣勢與七人座舒適乘坐感受的Toyota Alphard,路上的能見度愈來愈多,看來不少愛家車主選擇這部車來作為家庭用車,不過車高不低的Alphard,在高速行駛時,底盤表現似乎無法像歐系車一樣穩定,想要客服此問題,換裝一組10 October, 2013 "I still remember when I learned about 3best in 2008. I recall that I instantly thought that it was an amazing team which you could work with and get innovative idea. I also noticed that by putting my works there, I could get a huge expos...