3d mark

3DMark - 全球最受歡迎的基準測試軟體與電腦效能測試一個富二代超速行駛被一女交警抓了。 女交警給富二代開罰單, 富二代囂張問道:你知道我爸是誰嗎? 女交警答:這得問你媽。The world's most popular gaming benchmark and graphics card test is used by millions of gamers and overclockers. Free downloads for Windows 7, Vista and XP. ... 對數百萬名遊戲玩家、數百個硬體評比網站和全球頂尖的製造商而言,3DMark 是測量 PC 遊戲效能 ......


Futuremark - best PC benchmarks and system performance tests 家裡什麼都沒有了...看來只能吃這個了...Futuremark's popular benchmarks and PC tests include 3DMark, PCMark, Peacekeeper and Powermark. Get started now with free downloads. ... We create benchmarking software that helps you measure the hardware performance of your PC, tablet and ......


3DMark - test your graphics card with the gamer's benchmark 你得頭讓我考試都無法好好考你知道嗎?XDThe world's most popular gaming benchmark and graphics card test is used by millions of gamers and overclockers. Free downloads for Windows 7, Vista and XP. ... 3DMark The Gamer's Benchmark for all your hardware The new 3DMark is a ......


3DMark——最權威的顯示卡3D性能評測工具 今天買了一包空氣包,裡面還附贈幾片洋芋片,真的賺到了!!知道3DMark下載軟體是幹什麼用的嗎?3D遊戲玩家一定都知道,這是一個用來檢測顯示卡的軟體,基本上大家在討論顯示卡品質時都是以3DMark的評分為標準的,甚至連顯示卡生產廠商在設計生產時也都是以3DMark為標準的。...
