3d print

3D printing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia超音波檢查的資訊 超音波檢查是利用超高頻率的聲波穿過人體,藉不同組織對聲波的反射程度不同,收集這些反射波後,超音波檢查經由電腦的精密計算,呈現出體內組織的構造,供醫師判斷正常或及異常。  因為超音波檢查沒有輻射線,對人體較無傷害,是一種相當安全、沒有侵襲性、短期內可多次檢查的儀器檢查,更是3D printing is any of various processes to make a three-dimensional object.[1] In 3D printing, additive processes are used, in which successive layers of material are laid down under computer control.[2] These objects can be of almost any shape or geometr...


3D Systems - Official Site 每次到4月1號都不知道怎麼整別人嗎?快跟DailyView網路溫度計一起來看看有哪些招? 文/網路溫度計 每次四月一日愚人節時你總只能當被耍的那個就太嫩啦~還好你有DailyView網路溫度計來傳授你幾招整人方法,讓你整朋友整到嫑嫑的!   ---準備好了嗎?不要偷看唷---  Manufacturer of SLA Series stereolithography rapid prototyping machines, Actua Series 3D printers, and 3D Keltool rapid production tooling process. SLA machines fabricate prototypes by laser-hardening successive cross-sectional layers of epoxy- or vinyl-b...


Stratasys - Official Site步出法院,心中不愉快的大石頭終於可以放下,雖然失去的不只是一段多年的感情,但是公道正義還是回歸到我自己身上,感謝曾經協助過我的朋友們,在經歷人生這段慘經外遇的過程裡,雖然不足與外人道也最好不要遇到,但我想我還是把這段經驗分享給大家。 我與老婆曉鈴是大學班對,人人稱羨,由於我們主攻的是資訊管理學程,畢3D Printing Applications Take your 3D CAD designs from on-screen to in-hand with realistic 3D models. Test form, fit and function. Print assembly tools on the fly or manufacture small quantities of production parts. It’s all possible with Stratasys 3D Pri...


BBC News - Working gun made with 3D printer Images Source: pixabay 、 pixabay 說!你們都在聊什麼? 女生是一種奇怪的生物,男友、老公和異性聚會,女生會生氣,但當他們和同性聚會,一群男生玩在一起,女生也想嘴一下,搞得好像全天下他只能跟老婆女友對話一樣,其實女生也只是很納悶,到底男生The world's first gun made with 3D printer technology has been successfully fired in the US. The controversial group which created the firearm, Defense Distributed, plans to make the blueprints available online. The group has spent a year trying to create...


RepRap - RepRapWiki高人氣的周興哲,除了是電視劇主題曲的常客外,上個月在西門町舉辦簽唱會時,也因為體恤徹夜排隊的歌迷而想盡辦法加碼演唱七首歌,這突如其來的舉動,讓台下的歌迷除了尖叫之餘,也感受到他滿滿的誠意。或許他不擅長說些漂亮話、感人的話,不過可以很肯定的是音樂是他最直接向喜歡他的大家表達感謝的方法。本月再度登上《MRepRap is humanity's first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine. RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap prints those parts, RepR...
