3d printing

3D printing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 哈哈哈哈這招也太絕了吧!!!!!3D printing or additive manufacturing[1] (AM) is any of various processes for making a three-dimensional object of almost any shape from a 3D model or other electronic data source primarily through additive processes in which successive layers of material...


3D Printing - 3D Printers - News - Jobs - Directory 吃了包子,變成包子!3D printing is taking the world by storm. 3Dprinting.com features the latest news on 3D printers, 3D printing jobs and a 3D printing service directory. ... A couple of weeks ago, we wrote a piece about three students at Massachusetts Institute of Technolo...


3D Printing Industry - 3D Printer News, Reports, Directory and Videos 對於2011一堆狗屁倒灶的事!讓我們一起對它說聲!再見!3D Printing Industry features the latest news on 3D printers, industry reports, videos and directory. Articles on additive manufacturing are sectioned to business, design, insights and more. ... In May, 3DPI covered an open source projector-based resin 3D...


Stratasys - Official Site 這樣存...還不知道要存到何時.......Stratasys leads the world in 3D printing. Check out FDM, PolyJet and WDM technologies and the industry’s most powerful range of materials. ... 3D Printing Applications Take your 3D CAD designs from on-screen to in-hand with realistic 3D models. Test form,...


Shapeways - Official Site 大雄!我勾不到你了! 哆啦A夢!我長大了!Design, Prototype, Buy and Sell custom products at Shapeways; The world's largest online 3D Printing Service, Community and Marketplace. ... "...I read books, blogs, watched videos, and ended-up waking-up one hour earlier every morning to draw before goin...
