3D film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia深夜一個出軌女人與和尚的對話,說的如此有道理! 深夜,寺裡一女人一和尚,和尚坐女人站。 女人:聖明的大師,我是一個已婚之人,我現在狂熱地愛上了另一個男人,我一天不見他都很難受!我真的不知道該怎么辦。 和尚:你能確定你現在愛上的這個男人就是你生命裡唯一的最後一個男人嗎? 女人:是的。我有很多年沒有動The earliest confirmed 3D film shown to an out-of-house audience was The Power of Love, which premiered at the Ambassador Hotel Theater in Los Angeles on 27 September 1922. [5] [6] [7] The camera rig was a product of the film's producer, Harry K. Fairall,...