Lava™ Plus High Translucency Zirconia Frame Dental Products 3M United States NO10.「皮膚」 NO9.「身長」 NO8.「屁股」 NO7.「造型」 NO6.「腿」 NO5.「身材」 NO4.「頭髮」 NO3.「上半身」 NO2.「笑容」 NO1.「眼睛、眼神」(得票率占70%以上) &nbsLava Plus High Translucency Zirconia offers the esthetics of a layered restoration in all-zirconia that allows dentists and labs to create true restorative masterpieces. Lava Plus High Translucency Zirconia system offers all-zirconia restorations that exh...