Pri Master hard Disk S.M.A.R.T. status BAD, Backup and Replace - TechSpot Forums前陣子不經意跟幾個大叔朋友聊起請客的話題。 「你們第一次約嫩妹吃飯,大概會約怎麼樣價位的餐廳?」我問。 「那要看是什麼樣的妹,跟什麼樣的目的啊!」大叔朋友A不假思索地回答。 「還分目的?要認真追的請比較貴的嗎?」 「當然不是,認真交往的,就請個1000~2000一客的。想要趕快騙上床的My motherboard is Intel 915GAV. where there are only one IDE channel. Now When I use my Hard Disk (Samsung 80GB, 72000 RPM) with this mother board its ok.... ... Do you have any jumpers on your hard drive? Are they set correctly? It should be Master and ....