Pri Master hard Disk S.M.A.R.T. status BAD, Backup and Replace - TechSpot Forums讓老師瞪眼的回答 老師:「一隻盒子有幾條邊?」學生:「兩條邊~裡邊和外邊。」 ********************** 老師:「你的題為《搶救親人》的作文怎麼連一個標點符號也沒有?」學生:「那麼急的事怎麼能停頓呢?」 *******************My motherboard is Intel 915GAV. where there are only one IDE channel. Now When I use my Hard Disk (Samsung 80GB, 72000 RPM) with this mother board its ok.... ... Do you have any jumpers on your hard drive? Are they set correctly? It should be Master and ....