Arduino + 3W RGB LED - YouTube 前男友,今天是你的生日,我決定在這天告訴你,為何我們回不去,為何最終我選擇了放棄....送你當初我看到的那些對話,這是我唯一能送你的禮物,也證明我終於釋懷了...。 那時的我還傻傻得等你回應,你的已讀不回早已是家常便飯了。但其實我很想知道,如果我不主動找你,你會不會想起有個白癡一直默默的關心你! My first attempt at using an Arduino to control a 3W RGB LED (1W per color). The LED is being driven by three separate 1W drivers, powered by a 9V DC "wall wart". The Arduino is generating three PWM signals, fed into the drivers, to dim each color of the ...