Apple says Watch OS 1.0.1 attempts to record heart rate every ten minutes, but won’t if arm is movin一個縣長因被免職後氣成了植物人,被送到醫院。醫生說:“給他念個官復原職的通知也許就好了。” 其妻想,既然要念,乾脆念個市長,讓他高興高興。哪知念過之後這位縣長挺身而起,大笑氣絕。醫生嘆息說:“不遵醫囑,擅自加大劑量啊!” 生和死只是一線只差,有些人用慾This is dumb. I was getting great battery life before, and the every 10 minute frequency recorded a ton of useful data. Now I’m getting HR readings every hour, 4 hours, or sometimes not even for half a day (I’ll check the HR glance at noon and it will say...