Apple says Watch OS 1.0.1 attempts to record heart rate every ten minutes, but won’t if arm is movin有時在一起久了,對方為妳做一件事情的時候,你可能不但不感謝對方,可能還數落對方..... 1.多一點主動的讚美。多讚美對方,而且不一定要等到對方作了一件大事,或是特別的事情才讚美。也多多從小細節上讚美對方。『我喜歡你今天的妝』『我覺得你穿藍色的襯衫很帥氣。』『你這樣的想法很棒』不是要你去敷衍,而是真This is dumb. I was getting great battery life before, and the every 10 minute frequency recorded a ton of useful data. Now I’m getting HR readings every hour, 4 hours, or sometimes not even for half a day (I’ll check the HR glance at noon and it will say...