Canon EOS 40D Review: Digital Photography Review 無言....女朋友問的問題 因為男友實在是太沈迷LOL了, 每天沒日沒夜地和朋友聚在一起打LOL, 終於有天女友受不了,決定跟男友說明白... 女生:如果全世界只剩下我和LOL你要選哪一個? 沒想到男生居然說:當然是妳阿~~~(毫無疑問的回答) 女生:為什麼?(開心^_^) 男生:因Review based on a production Canon EOS 40D The EOS 40D becomes the sixth Canon 'prosumer' digital SLR, a line which started back in 2000 with the EOS D30, and how far we've come. It's been eighteen months since the EOS 30D and although on the surface ......