Canon 4K Camera Makes an Appearance image source:臉書/黑嘉嘉 Joanne Missingham 文/凱倫 你會下圍棋嗎?說到圍棋,許多人都直覺是男性下棋的比較多,但下棋不分性別,今天小編就要來介紹這位職業女棋士:黑嘉嘉,人家不僅棋藝精湛、屢獲世界大獎,甜美的臉蛋更讓日本網友驚呼:「千年難得一The long rumored small 4K camera we’ve been talking about from Canon appears to have shown up in China before its launch for NAB 2015 in Las Vegas next month. This definitely looks to be Canon’s foray into the drone market. Jackie Chan also makes an ......