Active Learning in SPCS - St. Paul's Convent School (Secondary Section) TVBS歡樂台42頻道《上班這黨事》明晚(6/22)將討論男女之間到底那些話或行為容易撩中情人心坎裡!女星王俐人分享三年前曾被告白,不過男生一看到有年輕正妹進來,馬上轉移目標的故事,沒想到引起綠茶(林埈永)一陣狂笑,自言自語說:「我越聽越覺得這些話怎麼這麼耳熟啊。」這才自爆當時男主角正是他。主持人On 9th January 2016, 29 students involved in the Enriched IT Programme, visited the offices of Microsoft in Cyberport to participate in the Microsoft YouthSpark Day Camp. They had the rare opportunity to take a tour of Microsoft's newly renovated high-tec...