4tiitoo.com - NUIA | The natural way to use computers – by eye tracking, gestures and speech recogni 由上野樹里、山崎賢人、藤木直人主演的日劇《Good Doctor善良醫生》首播就在日本開出11.5% 收視率,廣受好評,同時這也是上野樹里成為人妻後,睽違兩年復出的最新電視劇作品,她頻頻在推特(Twitter)上喊話鼓吹粉絲關注新作,12日該劇首播時還發文「大家看了嗎? 第一集的夏美 緊Affordable eye tracking with NUIA eyeCharm On April 7, 2013 the eye tracker “NUIA eyeCharm” was successfully funded on Kickstarter. If you want to experience eye tracking yourself please send an email to kickstarter@4tiitoo.com. Follow us for the latest ....