糗了!這不是真STI!Subaru Levorg STI Sport
Invitrogen NuPage® Novex® Gel System - YouTube 隨著Subaru新生代旅行車Levorg推出已有一段時間,國內外都相當受到消費者好評,而大家也大引頸期盼Levorg STI性能版本的推出,如今原廠終於在今年於日本展開Levorg STI Sport的接單作業。不過…..車迷們可別過於高興,此次Subaru推出的Levorg STIFor the highest resolution in publication-quality results, your best choice is NuPage. The NuPage® pre-cast gels are designed with a unique chemistry which keeps them stable for a full year at room temperature. NuPage® gels are used in the innovative Sure...