50 First Dates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia斑馬深愛著小鹿,表達愛意時卻 遭到拒絕。 斑馬大吼:為什麼?這一切都是 為什麼? 小鹿膽怯地說:我媽說了,紋身 的都是不良少年。 熊貓深愛著小象,表達愛意時卻 遭到拒絕。 熊貓大吼:為什麼?這一切都是 為什麼? 小象膽怯地說:我媽說了,戴墨 鏡的都是The soundtrack contains cover versions of songs that were originally recorded in the 1980s. This includes mostly reggae or ska covers, due to their emphasized upbeat that gives a tropical or Hawaiian feel. It was a moderate commercial hit, reaching #30 on...