七夕情人節要浪漫不要細菌 牙醫師籲吻前 餐後嚼食無糖口香糖20分鐘 甜蜜又健康!
How To Calculate the PSI to LBS Multiplier for an APG Gauge | APG一年一度的七夕情人節即將來臨,濃情密意之際,許多情人不免會來個熱吻表達愛意,若在口腔未清潔時就接吻,可能會造成口腔細菌在情人口腔間傳遞,威脅另一半的口腔健康,進而衍生許多其他口腔疾病。中華民國家庭牙醫學會理事長王宜斌醫師表示:「蛀牙是一種具傳染性的細菌感染疾病,蛀牙越多,口腔蛀牙菌數量也相對較多,概Our digital pressure gauges can be set up using the “Custom Units of Measure” function to read in pounds. To do this, you’ll need to figure out the multiplier for converting psi to pounds based on area where the force is applied. The manufacturer of the r...