3000 psi or 5000 psi concrete - -Concrete Engineering general discussion - Eng-Tips ▲婚宴上新郎新娘吵架就已經夠可怕,沒想到連所有賓客都打成一團了。(source:youtube,下同) 在台灣有人結婚都算是一件天大的喜事,大家都會不吝給予祝福,也會真心希望新郎和新娘百年好合,不要只有在婚宴上甜蜜,以後也得要牽手過一輩子才行。 然而,根據eNanyang 南洋商报上i am building a house in waynesvile, nc (3700 elevation). Would there be an advantage to pouring the footers and basement floor with 5000 psi instead of 3000 psi concrete. the local standard is 3000 psi at 6" for the floor, however i have see a lot of cra...