3000 psi or 5000 psi concrete - -Concrete Engineering general discussion - Eng-Tips 常聽到人說: 「瘦下來,世界就是你的」 「胖子沒有未來」 ...... 於是乎我們開始拚命運動,汗流浹背 節食少吃,控制對美味的慾望 下定決心要變成一個瘦子 然而胖子就真的不配過好一生嗎 這位叫Sine的姑娘給了我們最好的答案 ▼  i am building a house in waynesvile, nc (3700 elevation). Would there be an advantage to pouring the footers and basement floor with 5000 psi instead of 3000 psi concrete. the local standard is 3000 psi at 6" for the floor, however i have see a lot of cra...