婚姻 vs. 股市 博君一笑
3000 psi or 5000 psi concrete - -Concrete Engineering general discussion - Eng-Tips婚姻 vs. 股市 (博君一笑)婚姻 vs. 股市※ 結婚生子叫「配股」※ 嫁到有錢老公後立刻離婚叫「獲利了結」※ 嫁到沒錢老公後立刻離婚叫「停損殺出」 ※ 嫁到大男人主義老公喜怒由他叫「主力」老婆叫「散戶」※ 嫁年輕老公叫「高檔套牢」※ 嫁年邁富翁叫「低檔承接」※ 選擇對象叫「選股」※ i am building a house in waynesvile, nc (3700 elevation). Would there be an advantage to pouring the footers and basement floor with 5000 psi instead of 3000 psi concrete. the local standard is 3000 psi at 6" for the floor, however i have see a lot of cra...