52 hertz

52赫茲 - THE VERSE(陳綺貞) - YouTube幾百年來,人們都喜歡豪飲爛醉。人類自出現以來,追尋酒精麻醉神經所帶來的快感的腳步就從未停息過。現在,我們已經成為統領世界的生物,Easy Mode的生活讓我們已經不屑於傳統的用口喝酒,因此我們就…創造了一些更“有意思”的飲酒方式。   7.&ldquo52赫茲 作詞:陳綺貞 作曲:陳綺貞 稻草人擁抱 溫柔的微風 藍色 擁抱著它的天空 噪音跟隨著 狂歡的耳朵 安靜降落 渴望的泡沫 漂浮在水中 瓶子裡的字 永不沉沒 抒情不是我 唯一能寫出的 對或錯 因為我愛 因為我活著 因為孤獨 我探索 因為我愛 ......


52-hertz whale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia人說每隻手指頭都有他的意思,如大拇指讚美的意思,食指指路的意思,無名指是愛情的意思,小指頭是承諾的意思,中只當然是挑釁的意思,然而....   你搞錯囉!!   真正的意思是玩cs的手! ps:哈哈搏君一笑 :D  The 52-hertz whale is an individual whale of unidentified species, which calls at the very unusual frequency of 52 Hz. This pitch is a much higher frequency than that of the other whale species with migration patterns most closely resembling this whale's[...


52 Hertz - YouTube 2048 是前幾個禮拜爆紅的 HTML5 益智遊戲,玩家使用上下左右方向鍵讓兩個數字碰撞在一起產生雙倍的數字,初始數字由 2 或 4 構成,當方格被數字填滿,就宣告 Game Over。這也是一款令人欲罷不能的遊戲。 至於 Flappy Bird 應該就不用多說了,現在有網友將兩者結合,製作出「Fw h y c a n t y o u h e a r m e ? Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-HEc4... What should I read next? Leave a comment below with your suggestion or just PM me!...


52-Hertz song of world's lonliest whale | Earth | EarthSky日前歐巴馬訪問日本,日本為了保護歐巴馬安全,幾乎全城戒備 所以就有一個封印傳說的出現!! 販賣機被封印 道路被封印 快遞被封印 車站置物箱被封印 這種置物箱被封印 販賣機被封印 回收機被封印 垃圾桶被封印 這種語言的垃圾桶被封印 易開罐回收機被封印...... 所以沒得丟大家只能這樣放.. &nbsThe loneliest whale in the world, the 52-Hertz whale, sings a song no other whale will answer and travels the oceans alone. A lonely whale of unknown species has been swimming the Earth’s seas for years, ostracized from its own kind thanks to an inability...


52 Hertz: The Loneliest Whale in the World - Animal News: Animal Planet Youtube神人Emil Axelsson,利用高超的彈指技術,完成經典電玩超級瑪莉主題曲,並創下極高的點閱率,但許多網友反應,如果影片停格感覺就是對方在跟你比中指。。。不過還是不得不佩服這位神人的技巧。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請For decades now, scientists at the NOAA have been tracking a mysterious whale song that sounds like the ghostly howls of a drowned tuba player. The sounds have been identified as belonging to a single whale, who sings at a frequency unlike any other whale...


The Quest To Seek Out 52 Hertz AKA "World's Loneliest Whale" Kids News Article 大家每天坐捷運通勤有沒有遇過有人沒有公德心,常常霸佔兩個位子,如果車上沒有很多人就算了,在美國地鐵常常會有一種人就是會兩腳開開霸佔兩個位子,不知道是因為位子太小還是當事人心情不好XD,也許這些人壓根都沒注意到自己已經霸佔兩個位子了! 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSFor over two decades, marine biologists have been listening to the songs from a whale that resides in the North Pacific. However, they have never heard a fellow mammal responding. That's because, unlike most whales that croon at a frequency of 15-20 hertz...
