5d vs 60d

Canon 5D Mark II vs 60D - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort        中肯XDSnapsort compares the Canon 5D Mark II vs Canon 60D to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: low light performance, overall image quality, color depth and ......


Canon 5D vs 60D - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort      老兄 不是每個人搭肩代表你也要搭喔XDSnapsort compares the Canon 5D vs Canon 60D to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: screen resolution, screen size, live view, movie format and low light ......


Canon 70D ULTIMATE Review (vs T3, T3i, T5, SL1, 60D, 7D, 6D, 5D Mark II, 5D Mark III) - YouTube XDDDFor more, like http://fb.com/NorthrupPhotography and SUBSCRIBE! Buy the buying guide: http://amzn.to/163yztj or http://sdp.io/buybg VIDEO INDEX: 0:00 - Intro 1:20 - Overview of Canon Lineup 6:40 - 70D vs full-frame cameras 7:05 - Video 11:45 - 70D Overvie...


Pick Your Poison: Canon 6D vs. 60D vs. 7D vs. 5D Mark II Camera Comparison            天阿超像!!XDD          The stills image quality is the reason I’m still shooting on Canon. I know it’s not the best video but to the average client, it looks great. I’ve been getting into photography as a hobby lately so having one device to do both stills and video is a great ...


DCView 數位視野 - 文章總覽 - Canon EOS-60D - 評測 #1 外觀操作篇 就是拿出手機打卡+拍照XD 你也是嗎> 還算實用的相機內Raw處理 這次60D相機中有內建處理Raw檔的能力,基本常用的白平衡、相片風格、曝光、自動亮度優化、鏡頭變形修正、雜訊處理程度等等都可以處理,可以在緊急或不想使用電腦處理時的另外一種選擇,處理完後還會另存新檔。...
