他看片發現女優背上「謎樣中文刺青」 看懂之後網友狂噴:不行惹!
Best SD card for my 6D? I need advice from those in the know. -- Canon Accessories in photography-on ▲老外對中文刺青到底有什麼執著?(source:卡提諾論壇,下同。) 大家好,吉編又來了! 現代人刺青有很多選擇,例如韓系的微刺青就是最近很流行的風格,不過當然也有像是「刺了女友的臉但分手後悔的補救刺青」。對於歐美人士來說,筆畫繁複而且外型優美的繁體字是中文刺青的優先選I just placed an order for the sandisk extreme pro sd card. I've heard of cards having a write speed faster than some cameras are able to write and wondered if that was the case with my 6D. If so, I may be able to save some money on my next card purchase....