Ron Martinsen's Photography Blog: COMPARISON: Canon 6D vs 5D Mark III and Nikon D600 旅炮,一些文藝女青年的旅行方式。 休學、辭職 要去廈門玩,就聯繫個廈門的單身男青年做炮友 去了就兩個人過日子一樣生活。 玩夠了就去昆明,昆明的砲友已經在車站等候了 一年下來行遍大江南北,操遍長城內外。 她們的座右銘是:我來過,我操過,Gautam said... The joystick did it for me and had to go for the mkiii after the mark ii which I was shifting from, even though the 6d features and lighter weight were more suitable for what I do. Having said that the mkiii is excellant and next up will lo...