Canon單眼相機 - 國外二手1Ds Mark III VS 水貨5D3 - 相機討論區 - Mobile01 這樣...還真是一舉兩得啊= ="各位先進大家好!小弟最近想跳到C家來,苦思良久,預算上可以勉強買到水貨5D3,但心中的天使告訴我5D2... ... 愁的1024次方 wrote: 應該會有中文選單...語系可以自己切換的非常感謝愁大您這麼大方提攜後進,小弟住在台北東湖這邊,有機會定會 ......
全文閱讀Canon單眼相機 - 國外二手1Ds Mark III VS 水貨5D3 - 相機討論區 - Mobile01 這樣...還真是一舉兩得啊= ="各位先進大家好!小弟最近想跳到C家來,苦思良久,預算上可以勉強買到水貨5D3,但心中的天使告訴我5D2... ... 愁的1024次方 wrote: 應該會有中文選單...語系可以自己切換的非常感謝愁大您這麼大方提攜後進,小弟住在台北東湖這邊,有機會定會 ......
全文閱讀Canon 5D3 vs D800 vs 5D2 | Cameralabs - Camera reviews, DSLR reviews, lens reviews, photography guid 這樣你明白了嗎?!>0Looking for a Canon EOS 5D Mark III review? In my detailed 5D3 review, see how it performs versus the Nikon D800, 5D Mark II and NEX-7. ... The actual resolving power of the Mark III for still photos is essentially the same as its predecessor, but noise l...
全文閱讀Canon單眼相機 - 1DX 與 5D3 的差異 - 相機討論區 - Mobile01 一次買了瓶雪碧,可喝了幾口感覺味道不是很對!我連忙看一下生產日期,沒過期啊!又仔細看了下瓶身,好傢伙,是“雷碧”!!Mogami wrote: 1DX 原生ISO 51200...有可能輸給原生 25600 的 5D3 ??? 如果同樣是25600,結果應該很清楚. 但是你拿1DX的51200來跟5D3的25600比? 這很難講吧? 出來實際比才知道吧! (18MP vs. 22MP的畫素密度相差並不是特別多喔!)...
全文閱讀Nikon D600 vs D800 vs Canon 5D Mark III - Head-to-Head - YouTube 快去試試看!! Nikon recently released their D600(http://bit.ly/NikonD600body) - a cheaper full frame DSLR - that seems to offer quite a lot of the perks of the D800(http://bit.ly/NiD800Body) and 5D Mark III(http://bit.ly/1qqlaqs) at a cheaper price albeit cheaper body....
全文閱讀Canon 5D MK III vs Nikon D800 with Nathan Elson - YouTube 菠菜~~我要吃菠菜!! The Canon 5D MkIII and the Nikon D800 are two of the hottest cameras on the market so we put them to the test in our first of three videos. Local commercial photographer Nathan Elson (www.nathanelson.com) joins up with The Camera Store's Chris Niccolls to...
全文閱讀Canon 5D Mark III - Nikon D800 Review - fredmiranda.com: Specialized in Canon - Nikon SLR Cameras, F 不過時速可以到多少呢? You'll never really know the truth about a camera until you get your hands on it and take it out into the field…and once you start printing your images there's nowhere to hide. I had high expectations for the new Canon 5D Mark III....
全文閱讀各位先進大家好!小弟最近想跳到C家來,苦思良久,預算上可以勉強買到水貨5D3,但心中的天使告訴我5D2... ... 愁的1024次方 wrote: 應該會有中文選單...語系可以自己切換的非常感謝愁大您這麼大方提攜後進,小弟住在台北東湖這邊,有機會定會 ......
全文閱讀Looking for a Canon EOS 5D Mark III review? In my detailed 5D3 review, see how it performs versus the Nikon D800, 5D Mark II and NEX-7. ... The actual resolving power of the Mark III for still photos is essentially the same as its predecessor, but noise l...
全文閱讀Mogami wrote: 1DX 原生ISO 51200...有可能輸給原生 25600 的 5D3 ??? 如果同樣是25600,結果應該很清楚. 但是你拿1DX的51200來跟5D3的25600比? 這很難講吧? 出來實際比才知道吧! (18MP vs. 22MP的畫素密度相差並不是特別多喔!)...
全文閱讀Nikon recently released their D600(http://bit.ly/NikonD600body) - a cheaper full frame DSLR - that seems to offer quite a lot of the perks of the D800(http://bit.ly/NiD800Body) and 5D Mark III(http://bit.ly/1qqlaqs) at a cheaper price albeit cheaper body....
全文閱讀The Canon 5D MkIII and the Nikon D800 are two of the hottest cameras on the market so we put them to the test in our first of three videos. Local commercial photographer Nathan Elson (www.nathanelson.com) joins up with The Camera Store's Chris Niccolls to...
全文閱讀You'll never really know the truth about a camera until you get your hands on it and take it out into the field…and once you start printing your images there's nowhere to hide. I had high expectations for the new Canon 5D Mark III....
全文閱讀Overview I own and shoot both the D800 and 5D Mark III, and have been using them both since March 2012. Exactly like Consumer Reports, I paid full price for each of them out of my own pocket. I don't get anything for free or even get special deals; I'm ju...
全文閱讀This does give the D800 an advantage for news shooters on tight deadlines who do not want to have to post-process files. In-camera sharpening can be turned up on the 5D mkIII, but this introduced some haloing effects and a slightly artificial quality to t...
全文閱讀Here is a quick specs comparison between the Nikon D800 and the new Canon EOS 5D Mark III: Model Nikon D800 Canon EOS 5D Mark III Effective ... Jeff is a fantastic photographer, but with all due respect, Jeff never met a Canon camera he didn’t rave over…J...
全文閱讀Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications. ... Studio shot comparison Our comparison tool allows y...
全文閱讀撰文:朱紀中 烏俄戰爭炒高油價,隨著美國普通汽油零售均價飆至每加侖4.315美元歷史新高,電動車買氣跟著衝高。 產業龍頭特斯拉(Tesla)傳出北美訂單倍增,加上德國工廠3月初取得政府量產許可,在業績看好下,股價7個交易日大漲29%,公司市值重回1兆美元大關,相關ETF績效表現超越指數。特斯拉執行長
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小孩子眼裡有些正常的東西在大人看來可能就會覺得邪惡。下面是幾位小朋友的繪畫手稿,當你看到最開始的繪畫步驟的時候,是不是覺得很色情呢?其實,小孩子畫的東西並不是“那個”。廢話少說,一起來“欣賞”一下吧! 看到這個猶如“丁丁”一樣的
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第一句:我不在乎你的容貌 女人似花,男人像蝶,花愈香則蝶愈盛,花越艷則蝶越狂。蝶戀花乃千年不變的真理,男人不在乎女人容貌?那你有沒有聽說過蝶戀草的? 第二句:我什麼都答應你 男人好像一激動,就忘了自己從來都不是萬能的。他們總是擺出上帝的口氣,不經大腦思考就脫口而出地說我什麼都答應你。