14000Nm電能震撼Karma SC2 Concept
5mm Red Wide-Angle LED - Radioshack - RadioShack Is Open & Here to Stay! Over 1,700 Convenient Locat●Karma最新電動概念超跑 ●輸出簡直瘋狂的1100hp/14000Nm ●0-100km/h加速只要1.9秒 ●最大續航里程563km ●雷射投影虛擬賽道 關於峰值扭力你有什麼概念?Bugatti Chiron的1600Nm(換算約163.2kgm)夠瘋狂了吧?起碼大你的車5~8倍,但放在洛杉磯This 5mm red LED, or light-emitting diode, has a clear-color lens and nearly a 4ft.-wide viewing angle. RadioShack ... Please note that all prices are subject to change without prior notice. Prices advertised on this site are for online orders only. Price...