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Burj Khalifa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia萌系女神吳婕安(元元)身穿蕾絲透視裝提前陪你過聖誕 《元氣東京》簽名會還原全裸入境拍攝過程好緊張 12/22見面會死忠粉絲大爆滿、閨密好友到場支持 ▲《元氣東京》吳婕安(元元)寫真書新書簽名會。   近期活躍於各大節目的「呆萌系女神」吳婕安(元元),粉絲專頁擁有將近60萬的追蹤人數,因為長Burj Khalifa (Arabic: برج خليفة‎, "Khalifa Tower", pronounced English /ˈbɜrdʒ kəˈliːfə/), known as Burj Dubai before its inauguration, is a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is the tallest man-made structure in the world, standing at 829.8 m (...
